Tuesday 13 August 2013

Kris Jenner Mad At Obama and Lashes Out About Kim Kardashian Comment


President Obama mentioned Kim Kardashian and Kanye West in a speech recently while making a larger point on misplaced standards of success among today’s youth… and it didn’t take Kardashian empire matriarch Kris Jenner long to cry outrage.

Obama’s stated that back in the day, “kids weren’t monitoring every day what Kim Kardashian was wearing, or where Kanye West was going on vacation, and thinking that somehow that was the mark of success.”

On Friday’s episode of her talk show “Kris,” a peeved Jenner responded: “It’s really great that people aspire to get a great job … but I wasn’t aware that you could only set the bar so high and that we could only dream so big. I was taught: Dream big, work hard and you could have whatever you wanted.”

Read more and watch the video below

Jenner then went on to suggest that the president was a bit of a hypocrite for noting that Kim and Kanye live in a 10,000 square foot home:

“I bet the President has some friends with 10,000 square foot houses and that he wouldn’t mind going over there… when [he was] asking them to have a party for [him] while [he was] campaigning for dollars to run for president.”

Not only that, Jenner took issue with the fact that Obama would pick on the couple because, well, they’ve simply worked for what they have.

“I find it so odd that he’s picking on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Well, Kanye West, first of all, doesn’t go on vacation. Ever,” Jenner said. “And Kim Kardashian is the hardest-working young lady in the world. She never sleeps, she never stops, she never slows down and works so hard for what she’s got.”

Jenner went on to say that she started thinking that her daughter’s job affords her to live in that kind of house, and that’s when she realized, if she’s not mistaken, “the president’s job affords him to live in a 55,000 square foot house.”



  1. obama was absolutely right....so i dont know what she has to say..

  2. doesnt dis woman get tired...must she always pry into her children's lives...same reason Kanye is trying to get Kim away from her..
