Monday, 19 August 2013

"I'm Awake At 6am, 75 Min Workout Before Starting The School Run at 8am" Victoria Beckham Explains How She Keeps Her Family Running Smoothly

With four children to look after and an international business to run alongside her jet-setting lifestyle, many people are probably asking: ‘Just how does she do it?’

According to Victoria Beckham, the answer is simple - a team of helpers that including a personal chef, a nanny and a housekeeper.

The former Spice Girl says she and her husband employ up to five members of staff to help keep the family running smoothly.

And perhaps her greatest extravagance is hiring a personal chef, who cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner for the Beckhams three days a week.

In an interview with Vogue Australia, the 39-year-old also admitted that the chef, whose name is Chris, is required to make gourmet meals which are then put in the freezer for when he is not there to prepare fresh food.

She said she decided to employ the chef despite the fact that her best friends Gordon and Tana Ramsay have tried to teach her to cook.

She had revealed that despite their help, she is still hopeless at cooking, and suggested her busy lifestyle made it almost impossible to find the time to prepare meals for the family.

She insists she is in her office in South London at 9am each morning, after waking up at 6am and doing a 75-minute workout before starting the school run at 8am.

She said: ‘I don’t want people to think I’m moaning. I wake up every morning and think how lucky I am. I’m like a child. I need to know exactly where I’ll be and what I’m going to be doing.

‘Some days are better than others, but right now I feel guilty because I’m working instead of putting Harper to sleep.’

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